Excursions–Longwood Gardens

We are so lucky to have a gem like Longwood Gardens within a two hour drive from our area of Maryland!  Today is the very last day of “Longwood Christmas”.  Many of us have visited as individuals or as a club during various Pix From Longwood Siteseasons and there is always much to see within and without.  I did not see a particular theme described other than “Fountain Inspired” on their pages.  Marjorie sent us some pictures of her visit this year. It can be so inspiring to imagine our own plantings and potted plants put to decorative use at home– albeit in a much more modest fashion!  Don’t you just love the Winterberry in these pictures?

Longwood Site Pictures



On January 3rd through March 7th is the “Orchid Extravaganza“:

Be wowed this winter by our largest and most diverse display of orchids….ever.  It will include a display including a 12-foot-tall archway, spectacular orchid curtain and hundreds of vibrant Vanda orchids.

Afterwards, from March 30-April 2, there will be a plant sale including orchid varieties displayed at the Extravaganza.



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