Environmental and Conservation Bills in Play


HB 211/ SB 198 Neonicotinoid Pesticides-Restrictions on Sales and Use

Pollinator Protection Act of 2016

As amended, this bill removes neonicotinoid pesticides for residential use except when used by a certified applicator. Neonicotinoid pesticides have been linked to devastating loss rates of bees and other pollinators.

Favorable with amendment report: Third reading passed Senate 32-14 and House 97-38


HB 1106/ SB 921

Clean Energy Jobs – Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Revisions

A critical component to the reduction of greenhouse gases is increasing the State’s sourcing of energy from renewable sources. Current state goals aim to source 20% renewable sources by the year 2022. The Clean Energy Jobs Act seeks to increase the goal to 25% renewables by the year 2020. The bill includes the creation of a working group to study the best opportunities to fund and administer programs that grow and diversify the workforce and businesses in the clean energy industry.

House-(Third reading passes 92-43); Senate (postponed, adopt)


HB 862/SB 367

Maryland Redeemable Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Act

The Maryland Bottle Bill will place a 5-cent deposit on beverage containers, which is refunded when the container is recycled. The program will triple beverage container recycling to over 70% and reduce litter, landfilling, and incineration of recyclable materials.

House: ( Unfavorable Report in Committee Hearing);Senate:(Already Heard)


BUDGET BILL (Fiscal Year 2017)

Remarks from League of Conservation Voters: We will oppose rollbacks to the legislative legacy
of healthy air, clean water, and unpolluted lands. On first blush, the Governor seems to have refrained from further borrowing from Program Open Space or the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bay Trust Fund or Bay Restoration Fund, however we must remain vigilant in protecting these programs as well as critical resources needed for the Departments of Environmental, Agriculture, Transportation, Planning, Natural Resources, and Energy to enforce laws.
Administration: Passed Enrolled; Final Senate- Passed Enrolled**


HB–House Bill; SB–Senate Bill

**An enrolled bill is the final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both Houses of Congress in identical form.






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