In October, District V had its first live Semi-Annual Meeting in over a year at Holly Hills Country Club in Ijamsville, presided over by District V Director Sue Christensen of Carroll Garden Club.

Although there have been continuing covid concerns, most members are vaccinated and have had boosters, so a good number of clubs sent ladies who decided to attend in person.
Gwyn and Cathy at registration table

The new Directories, created by our Vicki Myers were handed out at the registration table.
The District board members gave reports and CGC President Gayle Mathues was one of those singled out to give an oral club report which was well received.
District V gave out two Perennial Bloom Awards–to Linda Harris of Mountain Laurel and Tina Swanson of Mt. Airy.
The fund raisers were floral arrangements and gift baskets for this meeting. The arrangement theme was Reflective Design: a Creative Design containing reflective materials giving back images of light to the viewer.
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We broke for luncheon with wine available for the tipplers and enjoyed the luscious Lemon Raspberry Torte dessert served at Holly Hills.
The program was Carol Carrier of Plant Masters in Montgomery County. This is a family operation–we have had Leon Carrier speak in the past. Plant Masters grows fresh cut flowers and woody plants for wedding circuit florists and designers doing smaller weddings. They also grow for greater DC farmer’s markets and include herbs, houseplants, bedding plants and dried as well as fresh flowers for those markets. Carol talked about the perennials that she thinks are worth growing as cut flowers.
A few pictures from Carol’s slideshow:
- Carroll Carrier
- Mums and other flowers
- Flower offerings at market
- More market flowers
- An arrangement
- Selection of their flowers
REgistered with Cathy hoover and Gwyn of Mt Airy