District V Semi-Annual Meeting October 2017

District V held its Semi-Annual Meeting at the Holly Hills Country Club. This was the first official  large scale gathering for new Director Jennifer Evans.

Also attending for FGCMD were President Diana Bonner, our Carolyn Braverman as 1st VP, Susie Middleton as Corresponding Secretary and Betty Reeves, Secretary.

A change was implemented with clubs requested to treat table arrangements as objects for fund raising and to keep the materials for floral design to items willingly parted with and the expense outlay low. As you can see, our District V designers rose to the task, with their fall them pumpkin or gourd based designs.

Also being promoted for fund raising was the newest children’s book “The Saved Seed” and Plant America buttons (the theme for the term from National Garden Clubs).

The District V Directory was distributed. Officers, committee members and councils gave reports of status and progress. Then several District V clubs gave accounts of their club activities:  our Brenda spoke for Carroll,  then Presidents for Town and Country, Antietam, Cattail, Crossroads and Cross Country also detailed their projects.

Once New and Unfinished Business was addressed, we adjourned for lunch which was quite excellent, with thanks to Assistant Director Mikki Stratmeyer, who helped plan menu choices for the meeting based on her experiences as a member of Holly Hills CC.

Nikki, giving Remembrance of Members

We concluded with a program given by Carrie Engels of Valley View Farm, who spoke about the many, often forgotten minor bulbs we could plant in the garden. She also included a handout. Members of District V enthusiastically purchased bulbs Carrie was offering and practically denuded her stash. She generously gave a percentage of sales to the District.

A partial view of the meeting room during the presentation.




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