District V Semi-Annual Meeting Announcement

District V Semi-Annual Meeting

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Holly Hills Country Club

5502 Mussetter Rd, Ijamsville, MD 21754


10:30 AM

Our program is entitled “Make It Magical” with floral designer Frances Thrash. Frances is an FTD master Designer, NGC Design Instructor, and NGC Master Judge with more than 40 years experience. She is a very fun and entertaining gal and will be making designs to use in the home for fall and end of year celebrations. We shall be raffling them off, so be sure to come prepared!


To carry out this theme, we are asking each club to bring a centerpiece for the tables. We look forward to seeing what imaginative creations our club members can come up with. We are going to do “Make and Take”, which means you can bring one, and if you want to take one home, leave a “gift” of $15 on the table.


If your club wishes to have a table to sell items, the cost will be $15.


Coffee will be available after 10:00 AM.  Lunch will be served at table: salad, chicken piccata,  whipped sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, and chocolate cake. There will be a cash bar available. (No credit cards please)Please use the form below to register your members. The cost is $30 per member. Please send one check from your club made out to District V for the total number of members attending. Mail it to Barbara Stine:


10107 Silver Twine Lane

Columbia MD 11046


Deadline is September 26, 2013.


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