District V Semi-Annual Meeting 2016

The District V Semi-Annual Meeting. led by Director Lynn Walter was held at the St. John’s Portico in Westminster, MD in October which made attendance quite easy for many of us in the more eastern portion of the district. (Most photos clickable)


Some of our CGC gals are shown here. Our table was full and two of our members had to sit elsewhere! Karen Rock attended a District V Meeting for the first time!



Each club was asked to bring a table decoration with fruit, vegetables and/or flowers as components. There were many worthy displays. Brenda put some home canned preserves in hers…

To raise money, there was a raffle of items brought in by the various clubs.

Our Carmen was happy to win the wine basket.


There were also displays that showcased support for historic Ellicott City’s rebuilding of Main Street, award winning photos from state ( taken by District V members) and information pertaining to scholarships in science.

Our catered lunch was very good and featured a variety of salads and sandwiches.

luncheon-line desserts-and-beverages

Our speaker was Lisa Zeigler, owner of The Gardener’s Workshop in Newport News, Virginia who gave a program about growing hardy annuals. She showed us the results of her experience in a series of slides. She chooses the cool hardy annuals and starts them in fall, winter or early spring so that they will get their growth on soonest and last for a long time in a cutting garden. She starts thousands of seeds using soil blockers and demonstrated the mix and method for us. As a commercial concern, she uses large inputs of healthy compost and mulches to keep weeds at bay. She showed us a specific type of hoe used upright that slides just under the surface instead of churning up weed seeds that will sprout. She also uses frost covers and netting to support the tall or floppy plants. Many slides showcased the wide variety of blooms she offers. Lots of members took advantage of her tools, seed offerings and books for sale at the meeting. Hordes of ladies flocked to get pods from the infamous “Monkey Balls” plant.

(Slide show..)



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