December 2015 Meeting

A perennial favorite for our December meeting is some sort of Christmas workshop. Last year, we decorated the Old Courthouse in Westminster, so many of us were working on that. This year, we had no such obligation, so the designs were “anything goes”.

As time goes on, many of our members downsize and where once they may have previously had all kinds of evergreen shrubs from which to harvest greenery, that is no longer the case. Gardeners tend to be a generous lot and those of us who do have some portion of garden acreage gladly share our bounty with garden club friends.

In keeping with the Christmas colors, the horticulture task was to bring “something red” from the garden–berries, branches, flowers or other. This year, the temperatures have tended so above average that it would not be surprising to bring in flowers! So, Nandina, Winterberry and American Holly, red brambles, dried red Celosia, a red rose and Poinsettia were some proffered examples.

Horticulture--bring on the RED

Horticulture–bring on the RED

The December hostesses were Gayle, Audrey, Joan and Wilma shown here with the scrumptious repast they prepared.

We had our business meeting up front so that we would have plenty of time to work on our projects. Although we were missing a few people, we welcomed in a new member! Here is a gallery of the attendees and their artistic Christmas workshop productions!

Special thanks to Carmen (and Richard Blosveren) for taking and e-mailing these pictures!


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