Daffodil Show Pix

Last Tuesday I drove to Towson to see the  Maryland Daffodil Society’s show at the Shops at Kennilworth. This was my first time, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The main display was on the upper level on tables that surrounded all the railings overlooking the lower floor. It was organized by classes/divisions and by various groupings: singles, threes, collections and so forth. It was quite amazing to see so many types that I did not recognize! On the lower level were several arrangements featuring daffodils and photographs–all following particular themes. My only complaint is that the daffodils would stand out much better against a solid background; taking pictures with the repetition of the railing stiles in the background is a distraction to the beauty of these flowers. I saw Linda Masland of FGCMD there–a pleasant encounter.

Below are some pictures I took that day. I’m glad I could read some of the show tag cultivar names because I could look up their divisions by using this tool:

Daffodil Database




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