Cosmopolitan Carmen

Member since 1973
Floral Designer

Born in North Africa, Carmen Blosveren’s gift for growing became evident when guests at her parent’s home raved about how lovely the container plants were–all Carmen’s responsibility. Even now, she can point with pride to the succulents she grows in her brightly lit artist’s studio. She has an elephant begonia she has painstakingly nurtured in the same container for 40 years!

Before coming to Maryland, she lived in the “Big Apple” which no doubt influenced her continuing love for cultural repasts–theater, fine arts, wine tastings and intellectual pursuits. She belongs to the Artists’ Guild and her home is a showcase for her works which line the walls. She can often be found with camera in hand, taking pictures to use for ideas in her paintings.

Carmen explained that it was a kind neighbor, Mrs. Lamb, with whom she became very close, who started her larger scale gardening efforts through loaning Carmen a plot to work on. Lois Sebastian and Mrs. Studievant introduced her to Carroll Garden Club where over the years, she has served in most of the offices and committees in addition to participating in design competitions.

Carmen’s yard has an enviable “croquet” type lawn, beautiful old trees and many spring shrubs. There is a long line of bridal veil along one side. She has a small vegetable garden and many beds with peonies, daylilies and other perennials. She still likes to get out and do it herself.

Carmen enjoys our lectures and hands-on projects. She is enthusiastic about learning and knowing how to do things. And lest we forget to mention–she is a physically active senior who plays tennis, ping pong and picklebowl ( I have to see that one!)


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