CGC September 2021 Meeting at Cockey’s Tavern

President Gayle Mathues had planned a really festive event where we would meet outdoors under canopies at the Shellman Garden where the club of the 2020’s would be reintroduced as our new/old garden project. Why old? Because many years prior, in another incarnation, that garden was the responsibility of Carroll Garden Club from the 1950’s until about the 1980’s. So, it was to be a homecoming of sorts. However! Hurricane Ida had other plans on that Wednesday, September 1 with winds and pouring down rain. So, we relocated to the indoors–Cockey’s Tavern–which is another historic house adjacent to the Kimmey House–part of the Historical Society of Carroll County complex of buildings.
It was the official kick off of Carroll Garden Clubs first official meeting (meaning it included a business meeting portion) of the club so she had a lot planned and had to wing it a little bit given the change of venue.

The repast was provided by hostesses Mil, Judy and Diane.

Lovely flowers came from one of our newer member, Deborah Muse.

Gorgeous glads

Gayle introduced a renewed vision of CGC: her theme is “Gardening for Good. She introduced  ideas of new projects for consideration, and asked to look at some of the ongoing ones with a fresh eye. The chairs gave their reports and Gayle introduced a memory game –alphabetical order plant names and gave out candies during the game as sweet rewards.

Vicki received these beautiful mums as a reward for the hard work of coordinating efforts and getting the CGC Yearbook to publication!


At the conclusion, there was a short tour of the historic Shellman house.

Many thanks to John Witiak and Marjorie Schiebel for providing the photos for this post. 🙂


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