This Is My Father’s World was used to open the September meeting of the Carroll Garden Club at the house of Mrs. James S. Snyder. The roll was answered by a poem or descriptions of old-fashioned flowers. Minutes were read and approved.
In the business session, the matter of a flower show was discussed but was decided to drop this until Spring. The president appointed Miss Edna Fuss to have garden facts at the October meeting and Miss Mildred Zumbrum and Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer to have the flower display at same meeting.
Interesting garden facts for September were given by Mrs. William McKinstry.
Miss Margaret Snader was guest for the day and read for the club many beautiful poems by authors of different nationality. All the chosen poems were written about flowers.
Preparing peonies for another years blooming was read by Mrs. J.E. Barnes. Mrs. E.D. Meredith gave an interesting paper on care of perennials. Many discussed were our old-fashioned flowers which was the subject for the day.
Table decoration was in charge of Mrs. Myers Englar and Mrs. Preston Myers.
Recreation for the afternoon was in the form of a contest for flower arrangement. The room was divided into two groups. Each group was asked to arrange three different types of bouquets: an old-fashioned bouquet, a white bouquet and a miniature bouquet. Three members were chosen as judges and they were not allowed to see the bouquets until they were completed. Blue ribbons were placed on the best bouquets, one side winning all the ribbons.
As her second group of poems, Miss Snader read from These Blooming Friends. These were all about old-fashioned flowers. Many were descriptive and the members tried to guess what they were before the close of the poem.
After delightful refreshments, the club adjourned to meet at the the house of Mrs. David Snader for the October meeting.
Mrs. Harry Folgle, Pres.
Mrs. Chas. Hessan, Sec.