CGC October 2021 Meeting–Back at Union Bridge!

After a very long absence related to covid closures and interior re-construction at the community center, Carroll Garden Club finally returned to our home base.

Our hostesses were Kelly, Denise and new member Margaret Bentley. As it was October, the theme was autumn related in the table floral arrangements.

We had a number of new and potential members in attendance in addition to most of our regulars  attending, which was very promising.

Our program was given by Paula Simon who is the Horticultural Society lecture chair. She has traveled extensively in Western Europe and Japan studying and photographing gardens. The subject of the talk was Beatrix Farrand, the famous female architect who broke through barriers to carve a position in a male dominated field. She is best known for landscaping of Dumbarton Oaks gardens. In addition, she designed over 110 gardens for wealthy estate and country home owners as well as public gardens and college campuses.

Some of the slides shown in the presentation:

After the business meeting, an impromptu cupcake, birthday hat and horn blowing commenced for all those who had birthdays recently.



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