CGC October 2020

Club members decided to brave an October meeting if it was held outdoors.  We did not have our full complement of members due to the chill and continued concerns about the coronavirus in the community. But, once again, the willing gathered at the Pavilion at Landon C. Burns Park. These pavilions are rather spacious. Katie brought her newest addition.

Our hostesses put together a light luncheon, keeping in mind the required safety measures.

President Terry Conner, Brenda, Jan and Denise, masked, gloved and waiting to serve.


It was a truly windy day that kept us scurrying after flower arrangements and papers caught up in repeated gusts. Due to the cancellation of our original speaker, we managed to hold a meeting with three members puling together a “show and tell” type program that would not require AV equipment that would not be possible in this outdoor venue.

First up was Julia who had many pictures of plants she was growing. Note the stone required to hold the pictures down–yet the breezes managed to blow many off the table!

Next was Diane  dispensing her garden wisdom. Jan told us of a special project going on her her house involving a series of wrought iron arches made by her husband.

For horticulture Marjorie brought in pumpkins, an unusual vase and varied dried items like grasses and cattails to show how one might construct a seasonal arrangement.

Our business meeting was short and sweet. Assuming precautions,the November meeting will be indoors at the St. Paul’s Church on Bond St. in Westminster.



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