The Carroll Garden Club was entertained by Mrs. Earl Shriner October 1.
Meeting was opened by reading the poem of the month.
The minutes were read and approved.
The state of California and its state flower, the poppy, was studied through poems, articles and moving pictures.
The Legend of the Poppy–Mrs. Herbert Snyder
Poem About California–Miss Marianna Snader
Your Choice in Visiting–Mrs. Walter Speicher
Death Valley–Mrs. Preston Myers
San Bernadino County–Miss Marie Senseny
The pictures which were shown and explained by Mrs. Delaplane were very interesting and colorful. She showed pictures of California, Honolulu and the flowers of the Hawaiian Islands. The flowers proved very unusual and beautiful.
After refreshments served by the hostess, the Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Zollickhoffer in November.
Hilda Speicher, Secretary