CGC October 1940

The Carroll Garden Club  met with Mrs. Preston Myers October 2nd.

Mrs. McKinstry opened the meeting by reading

Seed Time and Harvest  and  Winter Fancies.

The Roll Call and the the Minutes were read and approved.

Reports were made of the Flower Show:  $9.60 total receipts.

The President, Mrs. Buckey, thanked the committees for their cooperation in making the show a success.

Criticisms of the show were narrowed down to the need of more space for exhibits and the making of a complete circle.

The High School of Union Bridge is having a Fair October 3rd and the club has been asked to exhibit. Each member is urged to have a display. (A record will be kept.)

Mrs. Charles Hesson and Walter Speicher gave a report of their trip to Cape Cod.

The theme for program was Fall Planting. Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer read Garden Tips. Mrs. Preston Myers read Defense Garden, both of which were very fitting for the season.

The President asked the the Roll Call for the December meeting be a suggestion for a program for the coming year.

After delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, the Club adjourned to meet with Miss Fuss in November.


Mrs, Earl Buckey, Pres.

Hilda Speicher, Sec.


Seed-Time and Harvest

Now is the seed-time: God alone,

Beyond our vision weak and dim,

Beholds the end of what is sown;

The harvest-time is hid with him.

It may not be our lot to wield

The sickle in the ripened field,

Nor ours to hear on summer eves

The reaper's song among the sheaves;

Yet where our duty's task is wrought

In unison with God's great thought,

The near and future blend in one,

And whatsoe'er is willed, is done!

Who calls the glorious labor hard?

Who deems it not its own reward?

Who, for its trials, counts it less

A cause of praise and thankfulness?

Be ours the grateful service whence

Comes, day by day, the recompense. —

The hope, the trust, the purpose stayed,

The fountain and the noon-day shade.



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