CGC October 1939

Perhaps owing to the change of date, illness, etc., there were only 11 members and two guests present at the October meeting of the Garden Club, held at the home of Mrs. Edna Fuss on Wednesday the eleventh.

The pianist being absent, we could only struggle through one verse of the opening song.

Roll call was suggestive of the season. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

It was decided the club should give five dollars to the Children’s Aid Drive provided we had that much in the treasury.

The announcement of the nominating committee for next year’s officers was postponed until the next meeting. Twas suggested we laud new names for membership to the membership committee at the next meeting, there being two vacancies and one “partial” vacancy.

The program opened with an illustrated reading by Mrs. Speicher entitled “Tulip gardens and Borders” as it appeared at the New York Fair. Mrs. McKinstry read the article Winter Plants for the House.

The secretary then turned back the pages of time and played a piano solo, Greig’s March of the Dwarfs  which (she) played at seventeen years of age at a musical in Alumni Hall Westminster. Great nervousness was shown in her manner and a decided weakness in the left hand but she herself was pleased she could yet play it from memory.

Mrs. Messler read an article entitled “Line Your Walls with Beauty” which showed how repaid we can feel when luxuriant growth can be had from using insignificant cuttings, if we are willing to give water and sunshine to them.

We enjoyed the original  guessing game of hidden names of flowers in the different statements prepared by Mrs. Preston Myers.

The refreshments served by the hostess were fit for the king’s taste, but her honesty got the better of her when she acknowledged the ice cream had been made by her brother. Hats off to him.

Mrs. Stauffer, President

Marie Senseny, Sec.

March of the Dwarfs


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