CGC October 1938

The October meeting of the Carroll Garden Club proved a delightful occasion on Wednesday afternoon. The hostess for the meeting was Miss Edna Fuss who entertained at her attractive home near Union Bridge.

After the usual opening song, roll call and Minutes of the last meeting, the President, Mrs. Stauffer, approved Mrs. La Forge to ask Mrs. G.– if the Club’s plan of presenting a tree to each new baby would be acceptable or if she would prefer something else  owing to the fact that they (illeg) not permanently located here. Miss Senseny reported that Mrs. Auger (?) had requested her to ask the Club to plant a tree on the north side of the high school. The President appointed Mrs. Buckey and Miss Senseny to interview Mr.  Stoner as to variety and prices, to report at next meeting.

The subject for the afternoon was  Grooming of Evergreens. The club was fortunate in having as its first guest speaker Mrs Walter E. Krick of Hampstead, Vice-President of the Federation of Womens’ Clubs of Maryland, who spoke on “Choosing and Planting Evergreens”.

In this interesting talk, she stated that the suitability of a variety and location should be carefully considered according to the character of the house and grounds.  Especially should we avoid over-planting of foundations. In planting for screens, if 1 metre trees are planted, the variety should be limited to three. Rhododendrons should be well mulched owing to their short roots. Boxwood requires acid rich soil. Do not prune shrubs until blooming season is over–always make cuts above (illeg,) eye. Cut back shrubs in spring which were planted in the fall.

Mrs. David Snader sang Sing Me To Sleep by E. Green.

Following this, a very interesting description of the planting of trees and shrubbery at her home was given by Mrs. J. William Kelbaugh (?) of Hampstead. Several years ago she won a prize of fifty dollars in a state wide contest for the greatest improvement in home grounds made in two years.

The program closed with the playing of a piano duet On the Arena by Mrs. Alfred Zollickoffer and Mrs. Walter Speicher.

Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

The guests included Mrs. Homer Twigg of Hampstead and Mrs. Miss Boose of LIttlestown, PA.

President Mrs. Stauffer

Secretary Pro Tem Anna Wolfe for Sec. Marie Senseny.


Music Broadcast: SIng Me to Sleep, 1945



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