CGC: October 1936

Mrs. David Snader was hostess for the Carroll Garden Club for their October Meeting.

This Is My Father’s World was sung to open the afternoon program.

Roll was called, several persons reading the descriptive Fall poems from the Beretztower Bard. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Miss Edna Fuss had the garden facts for the month and told us much about the Fall Planting of Roses and The Care of Lilies.

The Secretary was instructed to write the Better Homes and Gardens and ask for the new lantern slides for the December meeting.

Mrs. David Snader was appointed for garden facts for November and Mrs. Meredith and Mrs. Buckey for table display.

Several piano selections were played by Miss Ruth Shower of Frizzelburg. It was also voted that December be exchange month, each member planting some plant for someone else.

Mr. Breward from Westminster was the speaker for the afternoon using as his subject Country Gardens: New Plants and Their Care, His first point being the matter of soil. Most all sections of Maryland soil are lacking in nitrogen. A few plants of which he spoke were Chrysanthemums. These should have a southern exposure–very rich soil high in Nitrogen.

(illegible) Amsonia? – well drained soil. Mulch with leaves and afternoon shade.

The best fertilizer to use for rose beds is Bone, Blood and Potash. Mr. Breward gave many other interesting facts about flowers also showing beauty and  spaciousness.

The President appointed a nominating committee to report in time for the election in January.  The committee is composed of:

Miss Marie Senseny, Chairman

Mrs Edgar Barnes and Mrs Zollickhoffer

After delicious refreshments were served the club adjourned to meet with Mrs George Englar in November.


Mrs Harry Fogle, Pres.

Mrs Charles Hesson, Sect.


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