CGC: November 1967

The regular monthly meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held on November 1, 1967 at the UNion Bridge Community Center.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs, Herbert Liggon, Jr.  The minutes were read by the Secretary and approved with one correction, i.e. Mrs. Warren Buck gave a demonstration of flower arrangements to be used with the various table settings instead of “capsule tables” as was reported in the October minutes.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. There was a balance of $1170.53 on hand.

Mrs. Houston Curd reported on the Junior garden Club. There is a question as to whether or not to continue with this project due to the lack of attendance.

Mrs. W. Raymond Hicks, a new member, was introduced.

A letter of resignation was read from Mrs. Clyde E. Ahrnsbrak.

A note of thanks was read from the Silver Fancy Garden Club.

Mrs. Charles Kable requested volunteers to work with the retarded children. There were none.

Since it will not be possible to move the properties belonging to the Club to Mrs. Earle Griswold’s house, as was reported in the October minutes, it has now been decided to move those props which we will be using for the Christmas Evergreen Show to Mrs. Charles Fisher’s instead, where they will be repainted and any necessary work done thereon. November 7 and 8 at 10:00 is set to do this. Also, members of the Properties and Staging Committee were requested to check Mrs. Russell L. Law’s stable to determine the feasibility of moving all properties there for storage purposes.

The meeting was adjourned and a workshop held in preparations for the Christmas Evergreen Show.


Respectfully submitted,

Gladys S. Magin

Recording Secretary


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