CGC November 1958

The regular monthly meeting of the Carroll Garden Club held on Wednesday, November 5th at the home of Mrs. George H. Bingham, Westminster was called to order at 2:05 P.M. by the President Mrs. M.K. Talley.  There were thirty-one members and one associate member answering the roll call.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.

The treasurer, Mrs. L. N. Phillipy reported a balance of  $445.42. The recording secretary read the Executive Committee Report regarding absenteeism.

Mrs. Edgar Barnes reporting reporting from the District, announced the District Daffodil Show will be held in Hagerstown on April 21st and 22nd 1959. Also, there will be a trail designated in memory of Mrs. Gilbert Miller.

Mrs. Earl Shipley, treasurer of the Historical House Garden Restoration Project, gave a most comprehensive report dated from the beginning in February 1955,  This was a most complete and detailed report showing many hours of work.

Mrs. Weersing reported on the Christmas Greens Show.  The Carroll Garden Club has been asked to do the Halne-Divistene (sp.) room at the Baltimore Museum of Art. The exhibiting of Horticultural classes was also stressed.

Mrs. Peck reported for the Junior Garden Club–the meeting was held at the Historical House. The Junior Club also has a year book.

Mrs. Dowell, membership chairman, submitted the following names for membership:

Mrs. Joseph Allender

Mrs. Houston Curd

Mrs. Joseph Shirley

Mrs. Earl Griswold

A motion was made by Mrs. Kable and properly seconded that the above people be invited to join the club.

Under new business, Mrs. Earle Buckey, chairman, announced the following members to be responsible for the decorating of the Historical House on Wednesday, December 17th, 1958.

Window wreaths– Mrs. Luther Bare & Mrs. Richard Harlow

Governor Brown Room and Tree–Mrs. Edwin Dowell

Dining Room–Mrs. Hubbard

Hall–Mrs. Leeds Billingslea

Meeting Room–Mrs. Thomas Hughes

Wreaths for the Doors– Mrs. C.E. Shutter

Kitchen– Jr. Garden Club & Mrs. H.P. Sturdivant

The president announced that Mrs. Dowell will be chairman of the tea to be held in January.

Mrs. Keppel expressed thanks for the flowers sent to her during a recent illness.

It was announced that the Roland Park Garden Club will sponsor a tour of homes on December 11th and 12th to be held for the benefit of the Club’s work at Hampton.

Mrs. Kable, program chairman, introduced Mrs. John Fitz, originally a member of the Rockdale Garden Club. Mrs. Fitz spoke on and demonstrated Dried Arrangements. The members thoroughly enjoyed her talk and the beauty of the arrangements.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. to meet at the Historical House, Westminster on December 3rd, 1958.

Betty E. Donofrio

Recording Secretary

Everlastings to plant and dry for later arrangements

Everlastings to plant and dry for later arrangements


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