The November meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Alfred Zollickoffer.
After the Roll Call, the minutes were read and approved.
During the business period it was decided to give $5.00 to Children’s Aid, a plant to Mrs. Delaplane at Thanksgiving in appreciation of her interesting pictures. Each member is asked to give a nickel for Red Cross. in December.
The Nominating Committee appointed is as follows:
Miss Marie Senseny, Chair
Miss Mildred Zumbrum
Mrs. L.E. Stauffer
Mrs. James Snyder
Mrs. Charles Hesson
Mrs. Edgar Myers
The program for the afternoon was New Mexico and its state flower, the cactus and was in charge of Mrs. Earl Shriner.
Poem: Mrs Fogle
New Mexico: Mrs. Earl Shriner
The Cactus: Mrs. Preston Myers
Mrs. John Wood was present and presented the work of the Women’s Division, Maryland Council of Defense.*
Mrs. Charles Clemson told of meeting the Duke and Dutchess of Windsor.
After tea, which was enjoyed by all, was served by the hostess, the Club adjourned to meet with the President in December.
Marion Buckey, Pres.
Hilda Speicher, Sect.