CGC November 1935

The November meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. G.S. Laforge. The attendance was very good; several visitors were also present. We were glad to meet Mrs. Laforge’s mother whose home is in Michigan.

The Roll Call was omitted due to a full program. The minutes were read and approved.

Mrs. Miller Richardson was the first speaker for the afternoon showing slides of the proper planting and pruning of roses, also showing several pictures of very beautiful rose gardens.

Mr. Richardson gave the following ingredients for dusting roses: 9 parts of sulphur and 1 part arsenic of lead*. Mr. Richardson told us the shorter the pruning, the better the blooms.

There were also slides of Rock gardens. Many plants were named as good flowers for rockeries.

Following Mr. Richardson’s talk we adjourned to the living room and sang together This is my Father’s World.

Miss Mildred Zumbrum and Miss Edna Fuss played a very pretty duet.

By this time Mr. King of the Ridgeville Nurseries had arrived and gave a most interesting talk on chrysanthemums and roses having specimens to show us and they were admired by all. Mr. King gave  a cordial invitation to the club to visit his new commercial perennial gardens which will be completed by spring being the largest of its kind in this section.

In the business session the president made a motion to subscribe for the Horticultural Magazine which was carried out.

The time of the meeting was hanged to 2 o’clock instead of 2:30.

Mrs. Kroh was present and sang Who is Sylvia accompanied on the piano by Miss Marianna Snader.

Miss Sarah Wolfe was on the program for garden facts but due to the abundance of speakers Miss Wolfe was postponed until the next meeting.

Miss Marianna Snader and Mrs. Charles. Hesson had table decorations.

Following this Miss Snader and Mrs. Charles Hesson played a duet.

After delightful refreshments, the cuib adjourned to meet with the Miss Wolfe’s for the December meeting.


Mrs. Harry Fogle, President

Mrs. Charles Hesson. Secretary.


* Arsenic of lead was banned in 1988.


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