CGC November 1929, 1931 and 1932

November 1929

The Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. William McKinstry on Wednesday November 20. 1929. The President being absent, the Vice President, Mrs. James Snyder, presided. The reading of the minutes was omitted the Secretary being absent.

Members of the club responded with a quotation or helpful hint to gardeners when the roll was called. Several new members were added to the club list.

Miss Mariana Snader pleased all with a short musical program. The hostess served delicious refreshments at the close of the meeting. It was decided that the next meeting should be held in January, omitting the December meeting.


November 1931

The club meeting was postponed until December when it will meet at the home of Mrs. Englar.


November 1932

Mrs. John Englar was hostess to the Carroll Garden Club for their November meeting. The meeting opened with the reading of the poem “A Tree”. The club members were requested to memorize this poem by the February meeting.

The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

A club program for 1933 was discussed, plans to be worked out and presented at the next meeting. It was decided to omit the meeting  of December and January.

“Trees” was the topic of the day. Articles pertaining to their care, feeding, etc. were read by club members. The trees of Washington were taken as an example of hat can be done to beautify a city. Customs of the Yule Log and the origins and the using of Christmas greens made interesting articles. Two guessing games, one on trees and another on nuts and berries were enjoyed.

Mrs. Joseph Englar, Mrs Joseph Englar, Jr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were the guests of the November meeting.

Refreshments were served by the hostess after which the club adjourned  to meet at the home of  Mrs. George Englar in February 1933.



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