CGC Minutes-September 1935

“This is My Father’s World” was sung for the opening of the September meeting of the Carroll Garden Club at the house of Mrs. D. Myers Englar. Roll was called and answered by flower suggestions and the Minutes were read and approved. Several members and friends helped the President with making very unique program books for the coming year.

Mrs. Hilda Speicher and Miss Betty Englar rendered a very pretty piano duet. Mrs. Lewis Stauffer gave very interesting garden facts. Miss Marianna Snader and Mrs. Charles Hesson played a duet.

We were very pleased to have Dr. Crawford of Westminster visit us for the afternoon. Dr. Crawford was a native of Scotland, he being dressed in costume of his native country. Dr. Crawford gave us interesting facts on British and Scottish gardens. He gave us selections on the bag pipes which was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. Ruth Zollichaffer read an article on nasturtiums and cacti.

Mrs. Earl Buckey gave an article on flowers of the Bible.

A garden tour had been planned for the day but due to the rain the program had to be changed.

After refreshments were served, the meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Will McKinstry in October.


Mrs. Harry Fogle, President

Mrs. Charles Hesson, Secretary


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