CGC Minutes May 1983

May 4, 1983

The Carroll Garden Club program for May 4, 1983 was a bus trip to the National Arboretum and Behnke’s Nursery. Upon our return at 2:45 p.m. President Bay called the business meeting to order.

Membership chairman Carmen Blosveren presented the names of two new prospective members–Mrs. J. A. Dawson (Lou) and Mrs. Jeffrey Yingling (Martha). A unanimous vote was given by the club for both ladies.

Announcement was made of the June 8th 12 o’clock luncheon at the home of President Bay. Hostesses will be Grace Baldwin, Tommy Batten, Rita Barkhoff, Jesse Bennett, Dot Bockhoven, Sally Booth, Marta Bowes and Mary Ellen BBay.

Treasurer Barbara Peck reviewed the 1983-84 budget. Margaret Fisher moved and Joan Mann seconded that we accept the new budget. The motion carried.

Under New Business–Sharon Johnson presented the 1983-85 slate of officers as follows:

President–Carolyn Scott

First Vice President–Juanita Adams

Second Vice President–Barbara Peck

Recording Secretary–Verona Stauch

Corresponding Secretary–Marta Bowes

Treasurer–Ruth O’Brien. Muff Kable moved and Alice Ensor seconded that we accept the proposed slate. The new officers were elected unanimously.

Sharon Johnson announced the Historical House Garden clean up days as follows: Thursday May 26th and Wednesday June 1st at 9 a.m.

At member Sally Booth’s request, her letter voicing several areas of concern about Garden Club procedures was read. The areas of her concern were discussed by the membership present and resolved to the satisfaction of the majority.

In reference to the attendance requirement, the Parliamentarian noted that illness is the only excuse for absence–however–other personal circumstances could be brought before the Executive committee. President Bay volunteered to telephone Sally to report what had transpired concerning her letter.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Marta Bowles, Recording Secretary.



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