CGC Minutes: March 1960

After quieting the babble of voices at 2:05 p.m., our President opened the March 2nd meeting with the reading of a lovely poem “The Meaning of Gardening”. Twenty-eight active and one honorary member answered to Roll Call and approved the Minutes as read.

Mrs. Phillipy reported a balance of $542.25 in the bank.

Mrs. Richard Harlow advised us that the Weekly Engagement Calendars are not now available but that we shall keep them in mind for the next year, and that she has a list of the new books available.

Mrs.  Joseph Allender specified the fact that after the middle of March reservations for the Cruise to Chestertown will be open to the public, so any garden club members should make reservations now to avoid disappointment.

Mrs. Koble made an appeal for jonquils and spring flowers to be used in April furthering her work with the retarded children.

Mrs. Earl Buckey expressed her delight for having rated good publicity in the last issue of Gardener.

In dispensing with Old Business, Mrs. Elliott moved and Mrs. Curd seconded that the discussion on the June Flower Show be reopened. Mrs. Eliott explained that the proper degree of enthusiasm for having the show appeared lacking among the members, wherefore Mrs.Leeds Billingslea moved that we dispense with the June Flower Show. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Weersing and affirmed by the membership.

Continuing under New Business Mrs. Hollinger said that Mrs. Hughes had made the suggestion that we donate a Forsythia plant to be included in the planned landscaping at the Ag Center to bespeak our appreciation to Mr. Landen Burns* for his educational display of old farm tools at our most recent show. Motion was made by Mrs. Barnes, seconded by Mrs. S.L. Bare, Jr. and carried.

Our Program Committee Chairwoman, Mrs. Billingslea, informed us of an invitation received to hold one of our meetings at Malcolm’s in Pikesville at which time Mr. Malcolm will talk on containers and serve a beverage. It was agreed that June was the only month suitable and Mrs. Koble made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Phillipy followed by a unanimous vote that we accept the invitation.

Mrs. Frank Elliott, at whose home the June picnic had previously been scheduled, graciously extended an invitation to picnic at her home in July.

Mrs. Hollinger announced that the Easter Seal Treatment Center in Frederick would be open on Sunday April 3 from 2-5 p.m.

Mrs. Talley suggested that a portion of our bank balance be put in a savings account. Final decision on the matter was delayed.

And now girls, we come to the “icing on the cake”–Mrs. Billingslea, our Program Chairman, recognized the presence of Mrs. Asa Watkins, Mrs. Frank Harrie and Mrs. Robert Renshaw, the latter being a sister of Mrs. John Peyton Thrasher whose demonstration arrangements of Pure Line held us all spell bound. When one has the ability and know-how, there’s simply nothing to it. Take a branch, three flowers or so and a bottle and you’ve got it! (I mean, she has, but I haven’t!) It was a delightful demonstration and I’m sure each of us feels a sense of gratitude to Mrs. Billingslea for having given us this opportunity to observe closely such an informative performance. One thought given us for consideration by Mrs. Thrasher  is that her demonstration is her interpretation and that all judges do not agree on what constitutes Pure Line. She feels that it is Beauty and Grace–beauty is obtained from the materials used and following the rules while grace comes from within.

Genevieve Cash, Recording Secretary

[Ed note: * Mr.Burns, a community mover and longtime county extension agent was the same person who spearheaded the Farm Museum and who was a force in forming the CC Ag Center in 1954, the building of Burns Hall and is the person for whom Landon C. Burns Park is named.]

I wonder if the forsythia is still at the Ag Center.

I wonder if the forsythia is still at the Ag Center.


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