CGC Minutes- August 1937

August 4, 1937

The August meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Preston Myers in Uniontown.

The meeting was opened by Mrs. Myers Englar reading “My Day“, an appropriate poem for the season.

Roll Call was answered by telling what combination of flowers appealed to them or an attractive blending. This was followed by reading of Minutes of last meeting.

Under Business the President announced that this Club had not paid the M. P. Church for the use of their lantern. It was moved and seconded that the treasurer pay Miss Marie Sensey one dollar for use of the same.

Mrs. Barnes suggested that names for new members be presented at next meeting.

The “water lily” being the flower of the month, Miss Marie Senseny read a very pretty legend on it.

Miss Dorothy Zumbrum read “Garden Musings” suggesting care of lawn and cut flowers.

Mrs. J.E. Barnes read “My Wife and I Fuss“. The contention being the wife’s dislike of husband’s placing of flowers as to height, coloring, etc. He borrowed his neighbor’s yard where he was free to plant whatever and wherever he liked.

Mrs. Charles Hesson read “A Cemetery Without Gloom“, whereby a Mr. Eaton’s influence, an ugly cemetery near Hollywood was made beautiful by replacing stones with bronze slabs and decorating with shrubbery and plants transforming it into a beautiful spot.

Mrs. L. E. Stauffer read “Alaskan Rock Gardens“. In spite of climactic conditions, one woman was able to have an attractive rock garden.

Mrs. Preston Myers had charge of recreation after which she served delicious refreshments.

The September meeting will be with Mrs. James Snyder. Roll call to suggest something you would like for study this winter.


President, Mrs. Myers Englar

Secretary Anna Wolfe


Editor’s note: There was apparently no August meeting or Minutes provided for 1936.




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