CGC Minutes 1963

The June 1963 meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. S.L. Bare, Jr.  Members brought sandwiches and Mrs. Bare served dessert and coffee. After luncheon, Mrs. Cash conducted a business meeting.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance on hand was $591. 96

Mrs. Cash announced that daffodil bulbs must be ordered from the Daffodil Society by June 10th.

Mrs. Cash announced that Mrs. Charles Kable has been appointed by the Executive Board for the year 1963-1964 because of the resignation of that office by Mrs. Arthur Peck.*

Mrs. Cash also reported that Mrs. Bingham was reinstated as a regular member.

Reports from the following committees were read:

  • Book
  • Christmas Green Show
  • Conservation
  • Flower Show
  • Garden Pilgrimage
  • Garden Therapy
  • Horticulture
  • Junior Garden Club
  • Landscape Design
  • Ways and Means

Mrs. Griswold, Corresponding Secretary, read letters of acceptance from Mrs. James Hahn, Mrs .Byron Hartzler and Mrs. O.K. Spangler. Mrs. George Spittel declined her invitation to membership.

Mrs. Charles Kable, Membership Chairman reported that our club membership was full.**

Mrs. Cash extended her gratitude to all members of the club for their cooperation during her term of presidency.

Mrs. Bucky installed the new officers of the incoming year.***

Mrs. John Fitz, our new President, conducted the remainder of the meeting. She announced the list of new committee chairmen. Workshops were discussed during the summer. She announced that the club would sponsor flower arranging classes in the fall.  Mrs. Shutter gave recognition to Mrs Fitz for her work in teaching the flower arranging classes. Mrs. Cash pinned a President’s pin on Mrs. Fitz.

The meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m.

Barbara Peck

* Mrs. Peck resigned as Treasurer.

**Membership was complete at 40

***1963-1964 Officers
President: Mrs. John Fitz
1st Vice President: Mrs. Frank Elliott
2nd Vice President: Mrs. Leeds Billingslea
Rec. Secretary: Mrs. Glenn Speicher
Corn. Secretary: Mrs. Joseph Shirley
Treasurer: Mrs. Charles Kable
Note of interest:  The largest 1963-1964 Budget line item: Garden maintenance and improvement: $475



The Official President's Pin

The Official President’s Pin

Does our President Marjorie have a pin???


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