CGC Meeting November 2021

We met on November 3 at Union Bridge Community Center.

Hostesses were Pat, Karen and Jan who lived up to expectations!

A couple members brought in additional plants ( African Violets and a bromeliad) and some autumn displays gourds and squashes.

Our program was given by Carrie Engel, Greenhouse Manager of Valley View Farms. Carrie was awarded the 2020 Professional Landscape Greenhouse Association, the third woman since 1946 to be so honored.

Her topic was “Houseplants and How to Care for Them and What’s New”.She brought a number of plants to illustrate her points. The takeaway is the the Millenials are a driving force in the current houseplant craze. In part this is because many of them do not have homes with yards, rather living in townhouses or apartments due to the affordability factor. Without yards, one turns to potted plants which are primarily tropical types. Past generations “Mother-in-law’s Tongue” and trailing philodendrons have been upscaled with all sorts of colors, textures and unusual markings and they are selling for big bucks. We recall the indoor plant jungles of the 1970’s, inspired by back-to-nature and Earth Day sentiments but the new movement is very much into specimen collecting and special displays indoors in many spaces.

Afterwards, President Gayle led the business meeting.

Kelly celebrated her birthday along with several other ladies who were feted.

We’ve had a number of new members over the last years of 2020-2021 and some submitted gracefully to having their pictures taken. We’re always happy to welcome new people into our garden club. The more the merrier!


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