CGC Meeting: November 2020

Carroll Garden Club met at the St. Paul’s Church in Westminster for their November meeting, still cognizant of covid masking. Luckily, a large airy room was provided and we felt very safe among our friends who took precautions. Thank you Maryland for being tops in protecting citizens.


Now, Of course, we *really* came for the famous CGC luncheons!

Good looking desserts! Thanks Di, Marjorie, Judy and Charlotte for your dedication to yummies.


Member Sue Christensen was our designated speaker and reprised a discussion she had given to the public as a  Carroll Master Gardener: all about soil components, choosing a site and the best way to prepare garden beds in both spring and fall planting.

For horticulture, Marjorie Schiebel had Sue Christensen share about squash, gourds, and pumpkins. Sue said they are all in the squash family and that squash bugs and borers usually attack the early vs. the many varieties of late squash. Nancy, Jan, Diane, and Marjorie brought in beautifully creative pumpkin/gourd designs.


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