CGC Meeting November 2017

Carroll Garden Club met at the Union Bridge Community Center on November 1st.  Due to much warm weather, we were having a late fall arrival; tree colors hadn’t peaked yet.


View of Westminster on November 1.

Katie, Sally and Brenda were our hostesses and provided yummy black bean soup,tea sandwiches, brownies, dried fruit and nuts.

Kate serving soup and Sally working in the kitchen

This was a cute way to do a fast, easy sprinkle decoration for tables.

Our program picked up from an push from Diane Brown to get the majority of CGC members to get their yards Bay-wise Certified. Last term, we received a District award for our efforts toward this. Our speaker was John Hubbs, a Master Gardener and coordinator of the Bay Wise program who spoke in depth about what the criteria were and how they were weighed–the “Yardstick” method.

The things we do with our own yard management affect the way our downstream (septic, wells, storm drains, ditches,local waterways of streams and rivers) are impacted en route to our glorious Chesapeake Bay. It teaches conservation practices through wise use of fertilizer, efficient watering, mulching, recycling, helpful plantings for encouragement of wildlife, water retention and pest management.

Our program speaker, John Hubbs

Knowledge Board and Useful Pamphlet


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