CGC Meeting March 2020

We met at Union Bridge Community Center in March during an early spring: plants are about one month ahead in many areas!

Our hostesses, Brenda, Barb and Kelly went with a St. Patrick’s day theme, so the color green was very much in evidence.

Our hostesses had provided tea sandwiches and salad, cake and cookies for a light luncheon. The table arrangement had Belles of Ireland, mums and  ruscus.

Tea sandwiches, mixed greens salad

Marjorie, the horticulture chair, had asked for forced cut branches to brought in for March and several people complied with forsythia (of course!), quince, pussy willow, dogwood (cornus mas or Cornelian Cherry),witch hazel, pussy willow and bush cherry (possibly) among other items.  Another offering wasn’t a branch but a sweet potato growing a “slip and an amaryllis still in bloom.

Pussy willow and witch hazel, pink blossoms may be bush cherry.

Our speaker, introduced by Kelly,  was Mark Selivan, a knowledgeable arborist  from SavATree who gave an enjoyable talk about recognizing signs of invasive insects and a couple plant species to watch for. This is very  good information for the public to have and to monitor their yards and neighborhood for these bad boys.

We had a good show of members, guests and new members in March. Here are some candid photos just before and during luncheon.


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