CGC Meeting–February 2017

We returned from our winter vaycay, one of mostly no snow but occasional bitter chills, happy to see one other emerging from our dens.  I don’t recall if we cast any shadows…

Our hostesses, Sally, Kate and Marjorie provided varied tea sandwiches, scones, cookies and fruits which were greatly enjoyed over conversation amid rose petal strewn tables. (click to enlarge for slideshow, x in top left to exit)

Yay! Guests!

Joan brought two guests


Our horticulture request was to bring something forced (possibly some bulbs) and a few people did bring forsythia, crocus, hyacinths and amaryllis. Forcing was a mixed bag as some things had not progressed as planned. I think it was Joan E. who brought the garlic (a bulb) to show us.

Our program was given by our Diane Brown, Master Gardener and personne extraordinaire, who gave a slide show and entertaining talk about various aspects of companion planting. She began with a discussion about the scientific findings which supported certain aspects of the companion planting thesis. She then covered what benefits particular plants offered in the garden that enhanced the soil or were “dynamic accumulators” Some controlled pests in some way, could act as trap crops or attract beneficials. She also shared ideas on plant pairings that would work.  Diane also had a short discussion of permaculture food forests, square foot gardening and shared some ideas of making plant neighborhoods by focus on the planting of a specific plant family with its “beneficial friends” nearby. I have to laugh as our front page “Feature Photo” of Diane makes it look like she is telling us NOT TO SMOKE!!! We won’t, promise!!

Brenda gave a slide show promoting participation in upcoming Art in Bloom, where our intrepid designers from the area given an interpretation of an artwork through a floral arrangement. Yours truly was manning the projector show and did not get any photos (which could be remedied with Brenda’s assistance).



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