CGC Meeting December 2018

Our last meeting of 2018 was held, once again, at the  Carroll County Extension Building classroom. Of course, being the holiday season, our hostesses pulled out all the stops to provide a Christmas-y feel and the visual delight of a sumptuous, delicious repast for the club.

We did not have a program or a workshop this year. Instead we had a gift exchange event that mutated from the White Elephant concept to one where gifts could be purchased as long as they were no more than $15. There was a game associated with the exchange where unwrapped presents could be “stolen” by the next person whose number was drawn. Our Jan Halman-Miller “won” for having her gifts taken away so many times, but she is nothing if not a great sport.

There was a great deal of laughter and false moans and groans as covetous eyes made the moves on presents!

Finally, this photographer was asked by a few people to take a picture of our Snow Queen of the event, Nancy Heiberg who was wearing the softest, most wonderful furry vest. I know because I sat next to her and couldn’t stop stroking it!


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