CGC Meeting and Workshop: December 2021

It’s the end of the year and seeing as the covid situation wasn’t terrible we decided to meet (of course the Omicron variant shortly thereafter made itself known!)


Our hostesses for December were Vicki, Katie and Charlotte who did a great job decorating tables and bringing food offerings in the spirit of the season.

As we often do for this holiday, a Christmas workshop was planned around the procurement of evergreens from everyone’s yards to be shared amongst those with fewer offerings. Members pruned away spruces, pines, hollies, Nandina, cedars and sundry other interesting plants and berries suitable for making wreaths, swags or other items for display.

Diane offered to teach us how she selects and arranges materials for wreaths and how to secure and decorate them.

Here are some samples of what members made:

Lovely use of material–look at the half cones!s



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