CGC Meeting 1964

Mrs. John Fitz, President, called the February meeting of the Garden Club to order at the Historical Home on Wednesday, the 5th.

The minutes were read and approved for the January meeting and the Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $373.12.

Mrs. Fitz reported that instead of the members sending for the own schedules for the Daffodil Show that she had sent the names of the members and they would be receiving the schedules shortly. She announced that Mrs. Hughes will be our representative at the Daffodil Society meeting on March 5th at 10 AM.

Mrs. Flynn spoke of the Garden Therapy, a schedule for the rest of the year, and Mrs. Earhart told of last month’s program when the children worked with shells.

Mrs. Talley announced that the program for the District meeting on may 5th would be  Every Garden A Room. The speaker will be Mrs. Patterson Knight and the meeting will be held in Hagerstown.

Mrs. Shirley made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Hall, that we do not have a Christmas Greens Show in 1964. This was accepted unanimously by the membership.

Mrs. Fitz reported that she contacted the Board members concerning another outdoor Christmas Greens Show in Baltimore staged by the Maryland Federation next year. Her answer to a questionnaire from the District stated that it was the feeling that a Standard Show is preferred since it would be seen by more persons and individuals had more opportunity to work but that our Club would abide by the decision and would cooperate.

Mrs. Shirley read several pieces of correspondence and each one was acted on as it was presented. Mrs. William Hamilton, District V. Chairman for Worlrd Gardening requested our club purchase a tool kit and package of seeds for $13 to be  sent overseas. Mrs. Peck made the motion we purchase the kit. This was was seconded by Mrs. Barnes and was unanimously agreed on by the members.

Requests for contributions to local organizations were not approved since we do not contribute to these organizations, no matter how worthy. We are not primarily a money-making organization.

It was announced the the September 30th District V Flower Show will be held in Frederick and it was suggested we each buy something different in the seed line to display in the Horticulture Division.

Mrs. Phillipy made the motion that we contribute $10 to the Conservation Scholarship Fund. This was seconded by Mrs. Richardson and given an affirmative Yes voted by the membership.

Mrs. Talley asked if the members would be interested in a trip to Beltsville Experimental Station and it was decided she would get further details on a trip to be taken there the end of March.

Mrs. Harris of the Mount Airy Garden Club requested the use of some of our properties for a Show to be held on April 30th. this is a 30th anniversary for their club and they are making it rather special with a Memoriam class. Following discussion by the members ,the motion was made by Mrs. Barnes, seconded by Mrs. Wearsing, that, with the exception of the Mount Airy Show, we do not rent or lend our properties to any organizations. This was given an affirmative vote unanimously.

It was decided that we ask the sum of $10 for the use of these properties and that the Corresponding Secretary write this fact to Mrs. Harris with our motion concerning our properties mentioned. Mount Airy is further requested to transport these things at the convenience of Mrs. Cash in whose home they are stored.

Mrs. Kable made the motion that the Garden Club meetings will commence at 1 o’clock instead of at 2 o’clock. This was seconded by Mrs. Richardson and after discussion by the members was voted yes unanimously.

Following the above business, Mrs. Hubbard, Program Chairman, introduced the speaker, Mrs. Harwell Sturdivant, a member of the Club. Ms. Sturdivant chose as her subject, The Language of Flowers and proceeded to develop this subject in a most interesting manner.  It was most unusual and delighted her audience.

Following a brief discussion period, the meeting was adjourned by Mrs. Fitz.


Betty Speicher, Recording Sec.

(Mrs. W.G.)


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