CGC May 2022 Garden Tour to Surreybrooke

Carroll Garden Club members drove out to Middletown in Frederick County to visit Surreybrooke with a guided tour by the owner.Surreybrooke is a very popular destination with local garden clubs–we last visited around 2007. The owner, Nancy Walz gave us a walking tour. Amazingly, she knew absolutely nothing about gardening when her family purchased the place as a dairy farm back in the mid 1970’s and has taught herself much over the years. There are a number of log buildings which were deconstructed and shipped to Surreybrooke to become part of the charm, as well as a covered bridge and a children’s maze. Right now, rather than adding more landscaping, they are at the sustain and replace stage, she says. There are several greenhouses and an outdoor plant market to purchase all manner of perennials, annuals and woodies.


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