CGC: May 1942

May 6, 1942

The May meeting of Carroll Garden Club was held May 6, at the home of the Misses Wolfes.

The meeting was called to order by the President after which the secretary called the roll, the response of which was the naming of a wildflower. The minutes were read and approved.

The treasurer collected any unpaid dues,

Mrs Thelma Shriner asked that her name be placed on the Associate member roll, due to war conditions which make it impossible for her to be at our meetings. A latter was also read from Miss Mary Anne Snader asking that for the present her name be placed on the Associate Roll as music pupils kept her from attending.

As there was no membership committee appointed, the President will appoint one later.

Miss Wolf read an article on voting.

Miss Senseney reported that she had sent cards to Mrs. to Mrs. Thelma Shriner and Mrs. Barnes.

The following programs were presented by the McKinstry Mills group on wildflowers.

Song: God Bless America

Reading: Romance of Flowers–Mrs. James Snyder

Piano solo: “the Butterfly”–Miss Evelyn Pitts

Talk on Wildflowers with Illustrations–Mrs. Roland of Hagerstown

Floral Guessing Contest–Mrs. Herbert Snyder

The Naming of Flowers–Mrs. Messler

Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses after which the meeting adjourned to meet  at Mrs. McKinstry’s.

Mrs. Preston Myers, Pres.

Mary Louise Snyder, Sec.


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