CGC May 1940

The May meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. William McKinstry. The meeting was opened with a piano duet by Mrs. Zollickhoffer and Mrs. Speicher.

The minutes were read and approved. It was decided to give the Secretary $1.00 for expenses.

Because of the lateness of the season it was moved and seconded to have the flower show in the fall instead of spring as planned, the same committees serving.

The Club received an invitation to tour Frederick gardens May 18 ($.50).  Mrs. Earl Schriner wished us to use her name when buying our ticket.

Mrs. Dowell asked us to come at 1:30 for the June meeting.

The main feature of our meeting was seeing the beauty spots of America. Mr. George Mather brought us views of our national parks. It was interesting to note the different characteristics of the parks such as geysers, big trees, canyons and wild flowers.

After delicious refreshments were served, the club adjourned to meet June 5 with Mrs. Dowell.

Secretary Hilda Speicher

*Poster for the United States Travel Bureau promoting tourism, showing two cowboys on horseback by stream near desert rock formation*


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