CGC March Meeting 2017

Our March hostesses came up with a clever theme that combined springtime with the meeting program which was to cover the designs for the upcoming District V Flower Show in May: Riding the Rails. So, they contrived show ribbons, trains and  individual fresh flowers and forced branches in clear glass containers.  A cute box lunch–literally in bright red sturdy napkin boxes– was a delightful concept as was the green (for St. Pat’s) punch.

(Click photos to enlarge)

We were asked to bring in blooming branches, forced–or not. Brenda had some cut some pale yellow witch hazel and pussy willow.

Julia showed some of the spring flowers cut for display on the tables.

These were store-bought but fresh and lovely.


Our program was given by Marjorie Schiebel, our club President who is also the Chair for the District V Flower Show who was standing in for our original speaker.

Marjorie had quickly pulled together some examples of the designs for various classes of the show to give an idea of what a participant might do. She also showed how to fill out the official form. Here are a few examples:

Club members also took home remembrances of our friend Connie as her family had donated her baskets, bird feeders, dried flowers, containers and design mechanics for the club to use.


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