The March meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was at the Historical House on Wednesday the 4th with the Second Vice-President, Mrs. Leeds Billingslea, presiding. Due to a District meeting being held at the same time with our prospective Hostess Mrs. Talley in attendance we changed our locale.
Mrs. Billingslea called the meeting to order at the new hour of 1 o’clock and after corrections the Secretary’s minutes were approved.
The Treasurer, Mrs. Kable, reported a balance on hand of $373.98.
Mrs. Donofrio, who had been appointed by the President Mrs. Fitz to determine the location of a second millstone that Mr. Hoff had given to the Garden Club for use in the Historical House garden reported that this second stone reposes in Mr. Hoff’s own garden. It was suggested that the letter from Mr. Hoff referring to his gift be corrected to show we have only one millstone. Mrs. Donofrio reported that there is also a sundial that had been given for use in the garden but that this is still in the House. This was given by Mrs. LeRoy and before being placed she should be consulted for approval.
Mrs. Shirley reported on correspondence to the Club and where action was necessary it has been reported in these minutes.
- Two hostesses to serve as hostesses at the Daffodil Show on April 9th from 3:45-5 PM are Mrs. Fitz and Mrs. Talley. Mrs. Sebastian and Mrs. Hughes volunteered to be substitutes if needed.
- The Carroll Garden Club members, as members of the Daffodil Society, have been invited to the showing of that flower on Wednesday, April 15th from 1-5 PM at the home of Mrs. F.W. Gillet near Glyndon. Mrs. Gillet’s home will also be open that day.
- The Club members voted they preferred a field trip to Beltsville Experiment Station on Thursday April 2nd in preference to any other date if this is possible.
- It was decided to have a booth at the Carnival at Western Maryland College on Saturday, April 18th following an invitation from the Student Government Association to participate in this Spring Carnival. The students will appoint a place to display our wares and will do the cleaning up following the affair. This was met with enthusiasm when the letter was read and it was decided that not only is this good public relations but will be an opportunity for us to realize some money for our ever present budget. The College will receive 20% of our profit. Mrs. Peck moved, seconded by Mrs. Spangler, that we participate and at this time set up a committee to make plans for our action. This was approved unanimously. Following a request from Mrs. Billingslea for a volunteer chairman, Mrs. Peck agreed to head the Committee for this project.
Mrs. Edgar Barnes reported on the State Board meeting for herself and Mrs. Talley’s report as District Flower Show School Chairman at District meeting.
- It has been decided that there will be no Christmas Greens Show this year but that there will be a State Flower Show sometime in October.
- One of the Gardenews issues will be omitted in order to bring the Club members a full directory of all Boards.
- Carroll Garden Club was one of seven clubs participating in the World Garden project.
- On March 17th there will be a Landscape Design Chairman’s meeting for District V Chairmen in Ellicott City. Cards will be sent out for this and this will include Horticulture Chairmen.
- On May 5th the Semi-Annual Meeting of District V will be held in Hagerstown.
- Following a general meeting for the entire group from 10-11 AM the attendees will then go to group meetings of the different committees. More will be announced about this later on.
This concluded the business to be brought before the group and with some time remaining until our program was to be given Mrs. Peck led a discussion of ideas for our Spring Carnival booth.
At 2 PM we were privileged to see and hear the talented flower designer Mrs. Eileen Dutterer Welch arrange flowers in the gifted manner she possesses. It was decided privately by a few of our Club members that perhaps we place flowers with too much care to win the coveted blue ribbons that seem to evade them. Eileen places her flowers only once, but the effect is one of timeless effort and the final effect is outstanding.
Betty Speicher, Rec. Sec’y
(Mrs. W.G.)
You can see some black and white pictures of the Carnival and a mention of us as participants here:
Editors note: In 2010, while in the design phase of the Shellman House Garden, Helen Hecht and I discovered a millstone partly buried in the dirt behind the hedge that is opposite the Shellman House side porch. After reading these minutes I feel that this is the very millstone referenced as given by Mr. Hoff. We decided that it would look really nice featured in the garden walkway. You can see the pictures here as Helen’s contractor’s set the millstone in April 2010:
- Moving and levering into place
- Prominently displayed
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