CGC: March 1951

Note: March 1942 was the last March meeting as wartime intervened and the club then met irregularly. This was followed by a period of having only 4 meetings per year until a more regular monthly meeting schedule was re-instituted in January 1951.


The March meeting of the Carroll Garden Club was held at the house of Mrs. Randall Spoerline in New Windsor with New Windsor group in charge of the program.

Roll was called. Minutes were read and approved.

It was decided that the hostess of the meeting be the chairman of the program committee.

The New Windsor group gave some helpful suggestions for the scrapbook and the Uniontown group are to display their scrapbook at the next meeting.

Mrs. T.–N.– was presented as a prospective member and the secretary was instructed to write her a note.

Miss June Abby Laukert favored the club with two lovely solos, “Swaying Willows” and “The Little Shepherd’s Song”.

Mr. Burns spoke on “Planning the Vegetable Garden for Year Round Supply”.

Flower displays were judged by Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Cookson. The driftwood and pussywillows were judged as First.

Dues were received from members present.

Tea was served before adjournment.


Mrs. Charles Hesson, Secretary.


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