CGC-March 1942

The Carroll Garden Club held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Fogle. The meeting was called to order by the President.

The verse of the month was read by the club and the Roll Call was answered by appropriate quotations.

The Minutes were read and approved.

Our President asked us to remember the Red Cross when planting our gardens and put in an extra seed or plant, the produce of which might be sold and the money given for this cause.

The Union Bridge group gave us a very enjoyable program on Continual Bloom in the Garden.

Classes of Ivy with picture of each–Miss Senseny

Spring Flowers–Mrs. J.E. LaForge

Gardens in War Time– Mrs. Earl Buckey

Fall Flowers–Mrs. L.E. Stauffer

After the Mad Display–Miss Sarah Wolfe

Perennials with Good Landscape Value–Miss Anna Wolfe

An Alphabet Plant game in charge of Miss Senseny was very interesting as well as entertaining.

Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess after which the meeting was adjourned to meet with Miss Snyder in April.

Mrs. Preston Myers, President

Mary Louise K. Snyder, Secretary

A UK Poster from WWII


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