CGC March 1936

Mrs. L.E. Stauffer entertained the Carroll Garden Club at her home in Union Bridge for the March meeting.

The afternoon’s program was opened by reading in unison: This is My Father’s World.

The roll was called followed by the reading of the Minutes which were approved.

In the business session, many bought tickets for the flower show. There was no other business.

Mrs Barnes had her garden facts for the month which were very interesting.

The subject for the month was “Early Spring Gardening”, Mrs. G.S. LaForge covering the main subject.

A “jumbled flower name” game was greatly enjoyed by all, Miss Marie Senseny winning first prize.

An interesting article from the Flower Grower” was given by Mrs. Meredith.

Mrs. Buckey read several paragraphs from College Park literature in gardens.

Miss Mildred Zumbrum and Mrs. William McKinstry had the flower display for the month. Pussy willows, several different kinds of blossoms were displayed which had been forced in the house–also some old fashioned bouquet arrangements and Shamrocks.

Anther very interesting game was various objects being placed on a table that represented names of flowers. Mrs. Meredith and Mrs. Buckey tied for high prize.

After very appetizing refreshments were served, the club adjourned to meet with Mrs. J.E. Barnes for the April meeting.


Mrs. Harvey Fogle, President

Mrs. Charles Hesson, Secretary


Art work-Still Life with Pussy Willows by Afonina Taisia


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