CGC March 1930

The March meeting of the Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Stauffer, Union Bridge.

Member of the club subscribed to the magazine Better Homes and Gardens in order to obtain slides on Landscape Gardening.

The club topic of the meeting was “Rock Gardens”. Mrs. Snyder read a very interesting and instructive scheme for the construction of a rock garden. Mrs. John Englar also furnished many new and novel ideas for those just beginning a rock garden.

The meeting at the close of the rock garden discussion was turned over to Mrs. Stauffer who served the most appetizing refreshments.

The meeting adjourned to meet the fourth Wednesday in April at the M. P. Church, at which time the public will be invited to view the slides on landscape gardening.

A “crevice garden”

Small Crevice Rock Garden, brewbooks 2011



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