CGC Library Listing with Book Descriptions

We have books donated to CGC which Sally and Katie have graciously been shelving. A list alone doesn’t help to determine whether or not we would like to check out a book, so I went to Amazon and other web sources to find dates of publication and any write ups (including reviews) –whatever I could find. Please avail yourselves of our club library. Books want to be read or paged through!

(E-mail Sally or Kate and request a book to be brought to the next available meeting. Return it at the following month’s meeting.)

Complete Flower Arranger (Amalie Adler Asher) 1977

“This was the first truly useful book on flower arranging that I encountered (some 15 years ago) and it still holds its value today. It contains many good examples of contemporary and traditional designs, useful information on the mechanics of arranging, explanations of the principles of design, guidance in the use of design elements (such as color) and useful advice for those arrangers who want to enter the world of floral design competition in flower shows.”

Shrub Roses and Climbing Roses (David Austin) 2007:

Describes approx. 560 roses in detail and contains over 160 magnificent colour photographs. It provides cultivation and pruning advice for each main grouping of roses. The book was written by a rose breeder and commercial grower of vast experience and is available in a handy pocket- sized format.
Nature’s Sketchbook (Marjorie Bastin) 1994:

Combination of diary/natural history observations and her wonderful art work. Bastin has used a “sketchbook” format to feature her wonderful art which includes the almost life like birds, flowers, grasses, small creatures, nests, and various wild fruit.

Don’t Throw in the Trowel (Texas Bix Binder) 1996:

Humorist and garden wizard Texas Bix Bender knows all the best dirt. Enjoy a few of his thought-provoking quips! Don’t Throw in the Trowel is more than a wheelbarrow full of laughs. It gives sound advice for banishing those bugs, whipping those weeds, and savoring the delectable fruits of your labors.

The Propagation of Hardy Perennials (Richard Bird) 1993:

This book shows the reader how to propagate a wide range of hardy plants for the flower garden. The first part of the book deals with basic techniques before moving on to discuss the plants genus by genus. The second part is particularly important as, while the techniques have been written up before, there has never been a systematic treatment of all the genera the gardener is likely to meet.

A Country Man’s Flowers (Hal Borland) 1981:

From one of America’s best-loved nature writers, Hal Borland, and one of our finest nature photographers, Les Line, editor of Audubon magazine, comes this elegant and affectionate celebration of wild flowers.

Garden Design Workbook (John Brookes) 1994:

Beginning with site assessment and needs definition, a practical step-by-step course in garden design shows how to get ideas on paper, offering a section of survey techniques and design grids and explaining how to make your dream garden a reality.

America’s Garden Book (James & Louise Bush Brown) 1996:

There are very few garden books that have lasted like America’s Garden Book – and with good reason. Since its first edition in 1939, the book has been specifically geared to North American backyard, do-it-yourself gardeners and their particular needs. The Plants More than 3,000 plant recommendations are listed throughout the book. Chapters devoted to specific types of plants go one step further, offering multiple listings based on the particular merit and special growing habits of certain plants. Appropriate plants for every garden situation are offered from disease-resistant climbing roses, water lilies for pond gardens, or rock garden plants. The Techniques There are instructions for constructing various paths, walls, steps, and grading structures. Detailed plans are included for naturalizing a prairie, constructing compost bins, and arranging indoor lighting systems. The Photography More than 1,000 photographs illustrate everything from more than 60 roses to the step-by-step of dividing a lily root clump. Each chapter contains scores of identification photographs to help the home gardener choose the ideal plants for the garden.

Herbs: Their Culture and Uses (Rosetta E. Clarkson) 1996:

Herbs First published in 1942, Herbs: Their Culture and Uses provides everything you need to know about herb gardening, whether it’s advice about design, soil preparation, and planting; or harvesting, drying, and packaging your own herbs. There are instructions for making herbal dyes, potpourris and sachets, teas and other beverages, and vinegars and jellies, in addition to recommendations on cooking with herbs, complete with recipes. Herbs also describes 101 annual and perennial herbs, how to propagate them, their cultural requirements, and their medicinal, culinary, and household uses. It has quick-reference lists of fragrant herbs, herbs for continuous garden bloom, biblical herbs, herbs that attract bees, herbs with colorful flowers, and herbs that grow under a variety of conditions—wet soil, dry soil, shade, or partial shade. For the gardener interested in herbs, Herbs: Their Culture and Uses is the complete reference.

Paradise Found (Rebecca Cole) 2000:

In Paradise Found, Rebecca Cole presents simple solutions to gardening in small, difficult, or awkward spaces — the reality that seems to face so many gardeners today. Whether it’s a tiny terrace, an oddly shaped yard, or a location both shady and sunny, Rebecca helps gardeners overcome the limitations of their environments. She offers practical guidelines for placement, color, and form and she champions the use of hanging plants and containers to create beautiful, easy-to-maintain gardens. Filled with hundreds of lush color photographs, Paradise Found is an inspiring guide to gardening anywhere.

Colonial Williamsburg Decorates for Christmas (Libby H. Oliver) 1981

Colonial Williamsburg is famous for the wreaths and other exterior and interior decorations that adorn its houses, shops, and exhibition buildings at Yuletide. This how-to book contains directions for making forty-two beautiful decorations including an apple cone and an herb wreath. Step-by-step drawings and thirty-five color photographs show how to create each decoration at home.

How to Arrange Flowers for All Occasions (Katherine N. Cutler) 1967:

A book offering general advice and specific hints on flower arranging has the nice effect of bringing flowers into every room of the house and every part of living. Mrs. Cutler discusses general flower arrangement, arrangements using wildflowers or houseplants or artificial flowers (“”Do use fresh when you can””), budget and miniature arrangements, the Japanese style (very briefly). Arrangements suitable to the house from entrance to bedroom and kitchen; for parties; holidays, along with notes on using talents for others. Mrs. Cutler lists what flowers are available when, at what window (with what light) household plants thrive, what flowers are suitable for church use. Informally informative on life with flowers, a little light on exact details of arrangements but with a number of helpful ideas and guidelines.

Hillside Gardening (William Lake Douglas) 1987:

Said to have lots of pictures for ideas but short on advice (a comment)
Discusses the soil, sun, and wind conditions of hillsides, suggests a variety of useful plants, considers design features, and looks at two hillside garden

550 Perennial Garden Ideas (Derek Fell & Carolyn Heath) 1994:

The authors of 550 Home Landscaping Ideas turn their attention to gardening, presenting 550 color photographs of gardens from all the regions of the country and a text that includes general information on gardening. The pictures in this book are truly beautiful. However, those pictures don’t come with details such as exactly what plants and how many of each are in each design. This is a great book to look through to get a sense of what _type_ of garden appeals to you, but don’t look to it for help in actually designing your own beds and borders.

The Organic Gardener (Catherine Osgood Foster) 1972

Here–out of a wise Vermonter’s almost 40 years’ experience planting and harvesting with profound respect for the wholeness of nature–is everything for the organic gardener: not only basics for the beginner searching for practical advice about natural foods gardening, but also a whole granary of wonderful ideas, tested through the years, for the confirmed organic gardener seeking new ways and for the middle-of-the-roader still undecided about what kind of gardener to be.

At Home with Flowers (Garden Club of Georgia) 1991:

A Basic Design Course in floral design

Imaginative Small Gardens (Nancy Grasby) 1963:

Thousands of owners of small pieces of urban land do not realize the opportunities to create a little place of beauty and an expression of their own individuality.

The Tranquil Garden (Country Living) 2001:

Creating a calm oasis outdoors is an appealing idea, but many gardeners believe that to do so would be time-consuming, expensive, or both. Here’s the book that shows you how to achieve that small paradise without lots of time, money, or space.The Tranquil Garden guides the reader through the principles involved in creating a peaceful garden, then shows how to achieve such a haven through the implementation of a variety of ideas. Planning is the key; to lay the successful groundwork, each section of the book concentrates on one of the broad tenets of successful gardening, then encourages the reader to seek inspiration from a wide range of sources.
Developed logically and clearly, the book invites the reader to first consider the options: what suits in terms of overall atmosphere, the sort of garden that is appealing, a “new” or settled-in look, what to add or subtract. Then, the heart of the book concentrates on the balance that will be achieved when the reader considers the elements: what to create, in terms of sight (color, light, pattern); touch; texture; sound (water, plantings that catch breezes); scent; and taste (herbs, vegetables, fruit) — and makes well considered choices.  The Tranquil Garden provides basic ways for the reader to maintain the garden by using shortcuts. And this means there is room for the best part: enjoying and relaxing in a tranquil space.

The Art of Judging and Exhibiting Flower Arrangements (Sylvia Hirsch) 1968

Seems to be a regarded Reference for flower arrangers. Used by garden clubs in cited references.

Fern Growers Manual (Barbara Joe Hoshizaki) 2001:

This book offers useful advice on ferns and fern allies for any region, with details on cultivation, identification, landscaping, and more. The bulk of the book consists of an encyclopedic treatment of all the ferns in cultivation in the U.S. Some 700 species from 124 genera are described in detail, including physical descriptions, cultural requirements, hardiness, common names, synonyms, special uses, geographical range, and notable cultivars or related species. Each species is accompanied by a black-and-white illustration to allow for easy identification and to provide a useful means of comparing species

The Heirloom Gardener (Carolyn Jabs) 1984:

Thousands of gardeners are discovering the joys of growing heirloom vegetables and fruits…older, classic, often rare varieties now difficult to obtain from commercial nurseries and seed companies. Older varieties are often better adapted to specific local growing conditions, offer a rich diversity of choices, and can be better-tasting than new hybrids. Moreover, by growing heirlooThis provides insight on all the aspects of heirlooms from the government, scientists, seed companies, and home gardeners. ms, gardeners help to safeguard a precious gene pool and reap the unique rewards of literally bringing history to life.

Abstract and Not So Abstract Flower Arrangements (Mary G. Knight) 1965

By an instructor in flower show practice and arranging. Listed as reference on garden club publications.

Easy does It (Nature Crafts) (No pub date)

Celebrate the seasons with a variety of easy and unique projects to make for home decorations, gifts and greetings featured in this 112-page crafting treasury. Choose from crafting techniques that include beading, decoupage, sponge painting, stamping, flower arranging and wreath making to create 60 projects inspired by nature’s beauty.
•    Four seasons of easy-does-it craft projects
•    Full-color photos & step-by-step how-to
•    Materials used are readily available at your local craft store
•    Basics on materials, supplies and techniques

Best Borders 1995

A lavish and inspiring addition to any gardening library, full of practical secrets for those who garden, and browsing delights for those who dream. Here are “biographies” of 12 famous, sophisticated borders–from the 19th century to the present. Full-color photos accompany detailed planting plans and discussions of concept and maintenance.

Gardening in Containers (Evin McDonald) 1975:

Written by shelter mag garden editor of a number of container gardening titles and garden newspaper columns
Miniature Gardens (Elvin McDonald) 1962:

Miniature gardening was an honest to goodness, real trend back in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Elvin McDonald, who was the garden editor of House Beautiful Magazine during that time, wrote several books on miniature gardens. While they weren’t exactly our kind of mini gardening, people were still gardening small.

Wonderful World of Bulbs (Bebe Miles) 1963:

For all enthusiastic gardeners, this fascinating book – written by a widely experienced amateur- tells how to have a multitude of lovely bulb plantings outdoors from early spring to late fall, (even in a quite small area), as well as blooms indoors from early fall to late spring. It is lavishly illustrated with nineteen color illustrations, twenty four black and white photographs and 13 pages of line drawings.

Garden Graphics (Gemma Nesbitt) 1993:

How to map and plan your garden. Design. This book aims “to introduce a new and easy method of garden mapping” by presenting a dictionary of 950 graphic symbols to represent common garden plants. The symbols are supposed to represent the plant’s shape and give a better idea of the form and texture of the finished planting; the idea is to use them when drawing up a garden plan.

Home Orchid Growing (Rebecca Tyson Northen) 1986

Whether your garden is a windowsill, a basement, a greenhouse, or a plot of land, “Home Orchid Growing” is the only reference book you’ll ever need to cultivate one of natures most varied and fascinating plants. In the past forty years, it has become the best-known and most authoritative work in its field, and even gardeners who still have an original copy of this classic work will find much to inspire and delight them in this revised and updated fourth edition.

Greenhouse, Planning Installing Using (Ortho Books) 1994:

A home greenhouse is an enchanted place where you can shut the door on a winter storm and quietly putter amid lush greenery, earthy aromas, and a peaceful hush. This book will teach you how to select a site, choose a style, and identify glazing materials suitable for your climate and growing conditions. Included are detailed plans and construction guidelines for five basic greenhouse designs. Or design your own, following the book’s step-by-step instructions.

Green Thoughts (Eleanor Perenyi) 2002:

A classic in the literature of the garden, Green Thoughts is a beautifully written and highly original collection of seventy-two essays, alphabetically arranged, on topics ranging from “Annuals” and “Artichokes” to “Weeds” and “Wildflowers.” An amateur gardener for over thirty years, Eleanor Perényi draws upon her wide-ranging knowledge of gardening lore to create a delightful, witty blend of how-to advice, informed opinion, historical insight, and philosophical musing. There are entries in praise of earthworms and in protest of rock gardens, a treatise on the sexual politics of tending plants, and a paean to the salubrious effect of gardening (see “Longevity”). Twenty years after its initial publication, Green Thoughts remains as much a joy to read as ever.

Carefree Plants (Reader’s Digest) 2002:

Transform any location into a care-free garden oasis with this must-have resource for gardening in any locale. Time- and money-saving tips and tricks show you how to have the most stress-free, no-hassle garden. The 200 easiest and most versatile problem-free plants are showcased in this idea-packed book.It has different sections for soil type, temperature, and sun tolerance, and which plants would work best in each area. For each plant, it has great color photos, gives planting zones, disease and insect problems and great descriptions.

100 Hints and  Tips (reader’s Digest) 1996:

Whether you want to plant a tree, choose a climber, grow fragrant flowers, or learn how to apply the various types of fertilizer, this comprehensive A-to-Z book will help you get the job done. And because topics are cross-referenced, you will find it easy to use.
Inside are samplers of varieties of the best-loved plants – flowers, vegetables, trees, and shrubs – and a list of tulips that will take turns blooming all spring long. And for lovers of lilies, there is a guide for three months of blossoms. A month-by-month calendar provides a handy checklist for taking care of trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, lawns, and container plants. Also included are tips on how to attract butterflies and ladybugs to your garden, easy ways to compost, and a list of good patio plants.

1001 Hints & Tips for Your Garden offers secrets for siting plants and strategies for coping with weeds, wind, drought, and frost. Here, too, are plants which are best for creating privacy and baffling noise. An illustrated 20-page section on common pests and diseases shows how to diagnose and deal with problems in the garden. And tips on hedges, fences, trellises, and fountains help the gardener achieve a finished look in the garden. Twelve special features cover such topics as heirloom vegetables and roses, wildflower meadows and period gardens.

Complete Book of Flower Arrangement (American Garden Guild) 1947:

For home decoration. For show competition. With 89 full-color illustrations

Annuals with Style (Michael A. Ruggiero & Tom Christopher) 2000:

This is the only guide to annuals a gardener needs. It delivers professional growing hints for more than 70 essential annuals, design ideas for beds, borders and containers, and gardener-friendly advice on creating an inspiring home garden with individual style. The New York Botanical Garden’s Ruggiero and author Christopher (The 20-Minute Gardener) team up to illustrate the versatility, ease and rewards of using annuals in the garden. From such old standbys as pansies and petunias to more flamboyantly tropical options such as Caladium and Amaranthus, the authors discuss various annual plantings–in mixed plantings, in containers, as quick-growing vertical accents, as “plugs” to fill in gaps where more short-lived perennials have bloomed and faded or as “featured players.” The snappy prose is alight with humor (on scaling down the showy Victorian carpet bed for today’s staff-less home gardens, for instance, the authors note “think prayer rug rather than wall to wall”). While they are both clearly knowledgeable plantsmen, the authors take equal delight in focusing on more lighthearted displays (“We’ve seen a dozen football helmets upended, filled with potting mix, and hung in a row to make an annual garden in Texas”) as they do on elegant mixed borders. The reader-friendly layout includes helpful sidebars and glorious photos. This book is ideal for beginners, yet seasoned gardeners should enjoy the fresh spin on an often overlooked subject.

Manual of the trees of North America I&II (Charles Sprague Sargent) 1965:

From the back of the book: ” greatest dendologist American has ever produced was without a doubt Charles Sprague Sargent, Professor or Arboriculture at Harvard and Director of the Arnold Arboretum in Boston until his death in 1927. His monumental “Manual of Trees in North America”, incorporating the results of 44 years of original research, is still unsurpassed as the most comprehensive and reliable volume on the subject. includes 185 genera and 717 species of trees (and many shrubs) found in the United States, Canada, and Alaska. 783 Sharp, clear line drawings illustrate leaves, flowers, and fruit.”

Creating Small Gardens 2000:

“…suggestions for making innovative use of limited space…Looking for ideas for a rooftop container garden? How about planting scheme whereby foliage takes center stage in one area, but flowers reign in the opposite border?…Curl up with Strong’s latest…it is bound to brighten the cloudiest day, with its delectable photographs and pretty illustrations revealing important design elements and numerous gardens-capes displaying distinctive styles and attitudes.”–Booklist. Very thorough, interesting read, and the photos are breathtaking. This is one of the better garden books, and I highly recommend it. These days, almost all of us have small gardens in urban or suburban settings. Just because it is small, your garden does not have to be dull.

1001 Questions Answered About Flowers (Norman Taylor)  2012

Fascinating, authoritative, easy-to-follow guide to flower form and function, orchids, Eastern and Western wildflowers, older cultivated varieties, today’s perennials, annuals and biennials; flowering trees and shrubs, and tropical and subtropical flowers. Includes botanical and common names, places of origin, outstanding characteristics, and practical advice on planting and cultivation. Q&A Format.

Trees 1972 (Time Life Books, James Crockett)

Colored pictures and drawings along with instructions on 1) The right tree in the right place. 2) Choosing, buying and planting. 3) Feeding, pruning and spraying. 4) Expert tips from the professionals. 5) An illustrated encyclopedia of deciduous trees.

Rock Gardens and Alpines (John Warwick) 1981

Useful advice on planting up rock gardens, which plants to choose, etc. – UK

100 Flowers and How they Got Their Names (Diana Wells) 1999:

From Baby Blue Eyes to Silver Bells, from Abelia to Zinnia, every flower tells a story. Gardening writer Diana Wells knows them all. Here she presents one hundred well-known garden favorites and the not-so-well-known stories behind their names. Not for gardeners only, this is a book for anyone interested not just in the blossoms, but in the roots, too.

Gardens for All Seasons (Wauneta B. WIne) 1987:

Public gardens and Arboreta of Maryland. Guide book.

Table Settings for All Seasons (June Wood & Deen Day Smith) 1995:

Valuable information on the selection and care of dinnerware, glassware, flatware, accessories, and linens. Choose the appropriate and innovative containers for arrangements. Includes selection, grooming and conditioning plan materials and instructions for making beautiful floral designs. An inspiring chapter on the customs and history of holidays also features lovely table settings for those holidays. For readers who enjoy competition in table setting classes in flower shows, the book provides expert insights into rules and requirements necessary for successful exhibitors. Contains nearly 100 color photographs.

The Complete Indoor Gardener(Michael Wright)1976:

Covers all aspects of indoor plant care and nurture.


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