CGC June 1942

The Carroll Garden Club held its June meeting at the home of Mrs. William McKinstry on Wednesday the 3rd.

The meeting was called to order by the President after which the group sang “American”.

The response to roll call was a clipping article or book of an old edition– the oldest being an historical book book brought in by Mrs. Messler with the date 1823, the second being a book on flowers printed in 1841, by Mrs. Myers. The mintues were read and approved.

The program was presented as follows:

Solo: Miss Binkley

Reading: Mrs. Walter Speicher

Article on raising of Begonias from the Sunday Sun by Mrs. Charles Hesson

Solo: Miss Binkley

Miss Ruth Bixler brought a gloxinia which was in full bloom and told us something of the care and nature of the plant.

The President asked for a discussion on the question whether or not to continue our meetings due to the shortage of gas for pleasure use. As there is no August meeting, it was decided to hold our July meeting as planned and decide about future meetings after the July rationing had been announced.

After the closing of the meeting, a social hour was enjoyed by all when the plants brought for exchange were brought into the room: calendulas, marigolds, snapdragons, iris, tomato plants, coleus, tobacco, ageratum, scabiosa, azels(sp.),  peppers and parsley were among those exchanged.

Miss Elizabeth Repp was also a guest at our meeting.

After delicious refreshments served by the hostess, the group adjourned to meet July 1, with the Misses Zumbrum.

Mrs. Preston Myers, Pres.

Mary Louise K. Snyder, Sec.


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