CGC July 1951


Mrs. Walter Bower was a most gracious hostess to the Carroll Garden Club for their July meeting.

The meeting was in charge of the New Windsor Group. Readings on the topic of the month, “History and Origins of Our Common Garden Flowers”  were given by several members

The soloist for the afternoon was Miss June Abby Tawbert entertaining us with two lovely selections.

The Membership Committee proposed the nomination of Mrs. Miller Richards as a new member which was voted upon and accepted. Secretary notified Mrs. Richardson and was very pleased she accepted the invitation to become a member.

The President announced plans for the Flower Show be discussed at the August meeting–Mrs. Hoffman serving as Chairwoman. Mrs. Buckey also suggested we have potted plants and perennials on sale at the show.

The arrangements for the meeting was a Display Suitable for Porch or Terrace. This was judged by visitors present.

Mrs Bower passed pictures of their house to show the wonderful progress they have made in beautifying the place since they purchased it five years ago.

After delightful refreshments, we adjourned to view their gardens.


Some over the top decoration for the Victorian Conservatory (for some perspective!)

From "Florists Review" 1912.

From “Florists Review” 1912.



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