CGC–July 1939

The July patriotic meeting of the Carroll Garden Club scheduled to meet July 4th was postponed to the 11th and was held at the home of the Misses Zumbrum.

The program was given by the members who reside in Uniontown. Mrs. Walter Spiecher, the chairman, was attractively gowned in a colonial costume.

The opening number, America, the Beautiful, was sung by the club after which a poem entitled, Making the Constitution  was read by Mrs Edgar Myers.

An interesting account of the reaction of the general public to the  articles of the  Constitution at the time of the making, was read by Mrs. J. Harry Fogle. Washington’s visit to Betsy Ross requesting her to make national flag was presented in costume by Mrs. Preston Myers and Mrs. Walter Speicher.

A poem, America for Me, was read by Mrs. Alfred Zollickhoffer, followed by the article Denmark Too, Celebrates the Fourth by Mrs. Myers Englar.

After the singing of America, several guests, members of the National Women’s Party from Baltimore were introduced.  Mrs. Halsey and Mrs. Ambrose spoke very earnestly, urging that we become interested in the passing of an Amendment to the Constitution giving equal rights to men and women and also stating how necessary women are as jurors–Maryland being one of the twenty five jurisdictions where women are disqualified as jurors.

Other guests included Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs. Cleo Pittinger-Fisher of Baltimore, Mrs. Truman Pearre, Miss Bessie Clemson, Mrs. Earnest Senseney, Miss Elisabeth Repp and Mrs. Herbert Snyder.

After adjournment the hostesses served delicious refreshments.

The hostess for the next meeting will be Mrs. Preston Myers in September.

Mrs. L.E. Stauffer, Pres.

Maria Senseny, Sec.

PS Cards were to be sent to Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. LaForge due to illness.



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