CGC January 1983


The January 5, 1983 Program of the Carroll Garden Club began at 1:10 p.m. in the Shriver-Weybright Auditorium. Joan Mann introduced the speaker, Eileen Gist, who demonstrated the “new look” of  flower arranging.

Following her talk, members introduced their guests and a short business meeting was held. The November minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report was given by Barbara Peck– the checking account balance $787.18, the savings account balance $1,671.42.

President Bay thanked Thelma Hartzler and all those who worked on the Historical House and the Victorian Ball decorations in December.

It was mentioned that we now have four vacancies on our membership rolls. We were urged to think of new prospects for the club under 50 years of age.

Bobbye Shaefer announced that Annette Hall would sell some cookbooks at the February meeting.

Lura Griswold, Horticulture Chairman, reminded members that they must have all horticulture entries for the April Flower Show in their possession by January 26th, 1983.

Marlene Lufru and Sandra Seymour were mentioned by Mary Ellen Bay as sources for herb plants.

The February program “Design and Be Judged”  was announced and described by President Bay.

The hostesses were thanked and those for February named– Margaret Peterson, Anne Pritte, chairman, Barbara Pruner and Dee Boush.


The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Marta Bowes, Recording Sec’y


Ed. Note: Eileen Gist was former owner of Dutterer Flower Shop.


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